Category Archives: Forex Trading

9 2: Determining the Future Maturity Value Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook Abridged

With two compounding periods involved, it has two factors of [latex](1 + i)[/latex]. Each successive compounding period multiplies a further [latex](1 + i)[/latex] onto the equation. This makes the exponent on the [latex](1 + i)[/latex]  exactly equal to the number of times that interest is converted to principal during the transaction. The simplest future value […]

Types of Asset Managers Roles, Benefits, & Drawbacks

With DAMS, you can also set permissions and access controls, ensuring that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive information. Diversification involves spreading the risk and reward of individual securities within an asset class, or between asset classes. The management fees assessed on passive portfolios or funds are typically far lower than active management strategies. Portfolio management […]